Creating DSLs using F#'s Computation Expressions

This article is part of the 2022 F# Advent Calendar. Go check out the other awesome posts that are part of it here!

As a user of F# I’ve been using lots of seq { } and async { } computation expressions, however I never really wrote my own. Lately I’ve been getting more and more into making DSLs and I found CEs to be an absolutely god-send for this. They can make the code really succinct and can help you turn messy code into a neat list of instructions that is easy to follow.

So I thought that in this post we can make together a DSL that, inspired by DeckUI, will kick an Avalonia application which shows a presentation.

First, some prior art

There’s already quite a few really nice examples of DSL that use CEs outside of the ones in the core library, the one that immediately comes to mind is FSHttp, which uses CEs to declare HTTP requests that are really easy to interpret:

http {
    POST ""
    CacheControl "no-cache"
            name = "morpheus"
            job = "leader"

Or projects like Validus that use the applicative nature of CEs to create powerful validations with a few single lines of code:

let nameValidator = Check.String.betweenLen 3 64

let firstNameValidator =
        .Then(Check.String.notEquals dto.LastName)

validate {
  let! first = firstNameValidator "First name" dto.FirstName
  and! last = nameValidator "Last name" dto.LastName
  and! age = Check.optional (Check.Int.between 1 120) "Age" dto.Age

  return {
      Name = { First = first; Last = last }
      Age = age }

So are you wondering how we can do something like this? Well, wonder no more, let’s get our hands dirty!

Defining our domain

Psst, in case you’d like to see the entire code, it’s posted here

Let’s start by defining how we want our DSL to look like. We need to be able to declare two simple things: slides and decks. Slides will represent one individual slide inside of our presentation, while our deck will be the presentation itself and should hold all the slides. Let’s get our domain defined:

type Slide = { Header: string }

type Deck = { Title: string; Slides: Slide list }

We’ll start by defining simple types that we can expand upon later. We’ll start by just supporting a header in the slides, later on we can add content to it as well. For the deck, we’ll have a title field which will be the initial view displayed once we load the deck into the program, and a list of slides as defined above.

Implementing our DSL

With this we can start defining our first computation expression: a slide. Let’s add a header operation that will represent a header inside of a slide later on:

type SlideBuilder() =
    member inline _.Yield(()) = ()

    member inline _.Header((), header: string) : Slide = { Header = header }

let slide = SlideBuilder()

We need to also implement yield since it’s a requirement for having custom operations working, but we don’t actually want it to do anything so we’ll return a unit from it. For the actual header we’ll also take a unit as the initial argument and the title assigned to the header. The reason why we’re taking a unit as the first parameter is that this parameter usually represents the previous state of the expression. Taking a unit means that we don’t want any previous state and therefore we force the header operation to be the first one in the expression and also allow to only have one header per slide.

Looking good! We can now use our slide builder like this:

slide {
    header "Hello world!"

And if we actually consume the result of the expression we will see that it’s a record with the Header field set to what we passed to the operation. Cool, so far so good! We will be adding more stuff to the slides later, but let’s now try to define a DSL for the deck itself. As we defined previously, our deck should have two parts: a title for the deck and a list of slides that we will show. Let’s start with the title since it’s the easy part.

type DeckProperty =
    | Title of string

type DeckBuilder() =
    member inline _.Yield(()) = ()
    member inline _.Run(DeckProperty.Title title) = { Title = title; Slides = [] }

    member inline _.Title((), title: string) = DeckProperty.Title title

let deck = DeckBuilder()

We will start by defining a DeckProperty union type which will hold all the different content that a deck can accept. So far we only accept a title, but we’ll be accepting slides as well pretty soon so a union case is a better idea than directly translating to our domain record. We then define a yield that takes a unit and returns a unit, just like in the previous expression. The title custom operation simply produces a value of Title with the given string and then all that’s left is defining a Run method that takes a prop and produces our domain Deck type, since this is the method that will be run right after our expression finishes, so we can use it to transform the property into our domain record.

Cool! Trying out our expression so far produces a Deck type with no slides and “Test Deck” as the title:

deck {
    title "Test Deck"

Now, what about if we want to support a slide inside of our deck? Can we do that? Let’s try it out, let’s add the previously defined slide inside of our deck and see what happens:

deck {
    ERROR: This control construct may only be used if the
           computation expression builder defines a 'Zero' method
  slide {
    header "Hello world!"

Okay, let’s take a step back and try to support yielding slides inside of our deck:

type DeckProperty =
    | Title of string
    | Slide of Slide

type DeckBuilder() =
    member inline _.Yield(()) = ()
    member inline _.Yield(slide: Slide) = DeckProperty.Slide slide

    member inline _.Run(prop) =
        match prop with
        | DeckProperty.Title title -> { Title = title; Slides = [] }
        | DeckProperty.Slide slide -> { Title = ""; Slides = [ slide ] }

    member inline _.Title((), title: string) = DeckProperty.Title title

By extending our union of properties and adding a Yield method that accepts a slide and extending the Run method to support slides, we can now run the code defined above by adding yield before the slide expression, and it works as well, but that’s not what we want! We want to be able to add expressions without having to yield them.

In order to do so, we need to implement another method call Delay, whose signature is (unit -> M<'T>) -> M<'T>, which in our case would mean that given any function that takes a unit and returns a known wrapped type (like a slide!) we can turn it into our DeckProperty type. We will also define Combine, whose signature is M<'T> * M<'T> -> M<'T>, which is basically merging two properties together in our case, which we need to support declaring multiple properties inside of the DSL (like a title and a slide or just multiple slides):

type DeckBuilder() =
    (* ... *)

    member inline _.Delay(f: unit -> DeckProperty) = f ()
    member inline _.Combine(props1: DeckProperty, props2: DeckProperty) = props2

    (* ... *)

Now you might be looking at that combine and thinking “aren’t we basically discarding what was previously there?” and you’re absolutely right, if we try to add two slides inside of the deck only the latest one will get to stay and the other one will be discarded. Let’s fix this by producing a list of properties instead of just one single property:

type DeckBuilder() =
    (* ... *)

    member inline _.Delay(f: unit -> DeckProperty list) = f()
    member inline _.Delay(f: unit -> DeckProperty) = [f ()]

    member inline _.Combine(newProp: DeckProperty, previousProps: DeckProperty list) =
        newProp :: previousProps

    member inline x.Run(props: DeckProperty list) =
        |> List.fold
            (fun deck prop ->
                match prop with
                | DeckProperty.Title title -> { deck with Title = title }
                | DeckProperty.Slide slide -> { deck with Slides = slide :: deck.Slides })
            { Title = ""; Slides = [] }

    member inline x.Run(prop: DeckProperty) = x.Run([prop])

It might look like a bunch of changes but it’s easier than it looks. We’ve just:

  • Changed the Delay method to return a list given one single property and also to support functions that return lists, in which case we simply return the result.
  • Changed the Combine method to take a list as the second parameter, so that we can accept all the previous properties that were added in the deck. That way we can append the new one to all the previous props.
  • Created a new Run method that takes a list instead of a single property, and folds the list of properties into one single deck. This is the method that will get called when the expression finishes, so that we don’t have to do the folding later on. We’ve also changed the implementation of the original Run to call the list overload, in case we get a single property, by wrapping the property under a list.

You might be thinking now “does he not know that appending means putting the value at the end of the list and :: definitely does not do that?”. Yes, I do! However keep in mind that expressions are evaluated from the bottom up, which means that we’ll be combining the last value first and only afterwards the rest, so that’s why pre-pending values actually appends them to the end of the list in the end.

With this we can add multiple slide expressions inside of our deck without having to yield anything, cool! However there’s one big gap: we can’t add our previously defined title and then add slides, we get the following error:

This control construct may only be used if the computation expression builder defines a ‘For’ method

So let’s do that now!

type DeckBuilder() =
    (* ... *)
    member inline x.For(prop: DeckProperty, f: unit -> DeckProperty list) =
        x.Combine(prop, f())

In the docs they specify that the signature for For is seq<'T> * ('T -> M<'U>) -> seq<M<'U>>, however that does not force us to specify the first argument as a sequence, it could be any “wrapped type” of T and since in our case we just have one property and we want to combine it with any function that returns a list of decks, we can just use a single property. This signature we’ve added is exactly the same as our Combine method but taking a function as the last parameter, so we can just call Combine and evaluate the function immediately.

And would you look at that, it works!

deck {
    title "Testing Deck with title"

    slide {
        header "This works"

    slide {
        header "...and also this!"

    slide {
        header "Much wow!"

So that concludes our DSL, now let’s go over the second part which is actually doing something useful with it.

A brief introduction to Avalonia.FuncUI

For the UI part we’ll use Avalonia, specifically FuncUI which is a more functional-friendly way of creating UIs using Avalonia and F#. I won’t get into details of the hows and whys of FuncUI, so if you want to learn more feel free to check out the repo linked above!

Since we already have a project set-up let’s just quickly get an app running, starting with the dependencies, we need the following ones:

<PackageReference Include="Avalonia" Version="11.0.0-preview3" />
<PackageReference Include="Avalonia.Desktop" Version="11.0.0-preview3" />
<PackageReference Include="Avalonia.Themes.Fluent" Version="11.0.0-preview3" />
<PackageReference Include="JaggerJo.Avalonia.FuncUI" Version="0.6.0-preview3" />

You can either add them manually under a <ItemGroup> in the fsproj file or add them through a NuGet UI if your IDE supports that. Once we have the dependencies ready, it’s time to start defining how we want our API to look like.

Abstracting the deck presentation

Once a user creates a deck with our DSL, I’d like to have a simple method call showPresentation that takes a deck and takes care of all the heavy lifting needed to get the Avalonia app ready and rendered. This is all great for the consumer, but we need to actually go ahead and define all this:

(* --- Here we will actually render the whole presentation later on --- *)
let root deck =
    Component(fun ctx -> TextBlock.create [ TextBlock.text deck.Title ])

(* --- Entrypoint --- *)
type MainWindow(deck: Deck) as this =
    inherit HostWindow()

        base.Title <- "SharpPoint"
        base.MinWidth <- 1280.0
        base.MinHeight <- 720.0
        this.Padding <- Thickness(10, 30, 10, 0)
        this.Content <- root deck
        this.ExtendClientAreaToDecorationsHint <- true

type App(deck: Deck) =
    inherit Application()

    override this.Initialize() =
        this.Styles.Add(FluentTheme(baseUri = null, Mode = FluentThemeMode.Dark))

    override this.OnFrameworkInitializationCompleted() =
        match this.ApplicationLifetime with
        | :? IClassicDesktopStyleApplicationLifetime as desktopLifetime ->
            let mainWindow = MainWindow(deck)
            desktopLifetime.MainWindow <- mainWindow
        | _ -> ()

let showPresentation deck =
        .Configure(fun _ -> App(deck))
    |> ignore

In our showPresentation function we take a deck and we pass it all the way down while we configure the Avalonia app for starting by loading the base styles (I chose the default fluent theme) and setting our root view as the main content of a 1280x720 window. That ExtendClientAreaToDecorationsHint hides the chrome of the window so that we have everything covered by the content, so that’s why we also need a little padding on the content to not show them over the window controls. If we now use the showPresentation function with a deck, it’ll show our title!

deck {
    title "A test"

    slide { header "Hello world!" }

    slide { header "Wow!" }

    slide { header "Much wow!" }
|> showPresentation

A screenshot of the app running with just a title saying "A test"

Let’s move this first slide to its own component and start the process of handling more slides. I’ll declare a state which holds the current slide and use it on the root component. I’ll also declare a separate component for the initial slide where I just display a big text with the title of the slide centered in the screen. We’ll declare the current slide as a separate type to have a clear separation between what’s the initial slide and an actual slide that the user created instead of having to do tricks with the indexes of the slides:

type private CurrentSlide =
    | Initial
    | Slide of index: int

type private GlobalState = { CurrentSlide: IWritable<CurrentSlide> }
let state = { CurrentSlide = new State<CurrentSlide>(Initial) }

let initialSlide deck =
    Component.create (
        fun _ ->
            StackPanel.create [
                StackPanel.horizontalAlignment HorizontalAlignment.Center
                StackPanel.verticalAlignment VerticalAlignment.Center
                StackPanel.children [
                    TextBlock.create [
                        TextBlock.fontSize 72
                        TextBlock.fontWeight FontWeight.Bold
                        TextBlock.text deck.Title

let private root deck =
    Component(fun ctx ->
        let currentSlide = ctx.usePassedRead state.CurrentSlide

        match currentSlide.Current with
        | Initial -> initialSlide deck
        | _ -> failwith "Coming soon!"

The reason for declaring a global state instead of one scoped to the root view is that Avalonia by default listens to key events in the whole application window and if we want to listen to events inside of one component, we have to manually focus it. So let’s just declare our state globally and modify it from the window.

We obviously have a couple of holes to fill in our implementation, so let’s do that now!

Keyboard navigation

Let’s start by just displaying a mocked slide that will display its index so that we can get navigation working and then we can worry about actually displaying what the user chose. We’ll assign the component the slide-x ID so that FuncUI can properly detect changes between the different views:

let private slide (index: int) slide =
        fun _ ->
            TextBlock.create [
                TextBlock.text $"Slide number {index}"
    ) :> IView

(* ... *)

let private root deck =
    Component(fun ctx ->
        (* ... *)

        match currentSlide.Current with
        | Initial -> initialSlide deck
        | Slide idx ->
            |> List.item idx
            |> slide idx

If we change the initial state to one of the slides, we’ll see a simple slide displaying its index. Cool! Now that we have that in place we can implement navigation between slides with the keyboard. For that let’s modify the MainWindow declaration to add a key down handler:

let hasSlideAvailableIn idx slides =
    |> List.tryItem idx
    |> Option.isSome

type MainWindow(deck: Deck) as this =
    (* ... *)

    override this.OnKeyDown event =
        let current = state.CurrentSlide.Current

        match current, event.Key with
        | Slide 0, Key.Left ->
            (* Go back to the initial slide *)
        | Initial, Key.Right when List.isEmpty deck.Slides |> not ->
            (* Go to the first slide (if any) *)
            Slide 0
        | Slide index, Key.Left when deck.Slides |> hasSlideAvailableIn (index - 1) ->
            (* Go to the previous slide (if any) *)
            index - 1 |> Slide
        | Slide index, Key.Right when deck.Slides |> hasSlideAvailableIn (index + 1) ->
            (* Go to the next slide (if any) *)
            index + 1 |> Slide
        | _ -> current
        |> state.CurrentSlide.Set

I love how succinct pattern matching can be when combined with tuples! There’s a bit of logic required to not go out of bounds from the list and also to handle the initial slide gracefully, so we basically pattern match through all the possibilities:

  • Pressing the right key while on the initial slide should go to the first slide of the presentation if there’s any.
  • Pressing right when there’s more slides in the presentation should advance the current slide.
  • Pressing left when there’s still slides before the current one should go back to the previous.
  • Pressing left when we’re in the first user-declared slide should go back to the initial.
  • Otherwise, keep it as it is.

I’ve abstracted the “if any” slide in a separate function to make the match easier to read. So now we can navigate between all our slides, awesome! Let’s go and display the slides now.

Displaying the actual slides

The only thing left is displaying the actual content of the slides instead of the mocked ones we created before. Since we only support the header we have it easy:

let private slide (index: int) slide =
        fun _ ->
            StackPanel.create [
               StackPanel.children [
                   if System.String.IsNullOrEmpty slide.Header |> not then
                       TextBlock.create [
                           TextBlock.fontSize 48
                           TextBlock.fontWeight FontWeight.Bold
                           TextBlock.text slide.Header
    ) :> IView

And there we go, it works!

A video recording of the app showing three slides that read "SharpPoint: Presentations made sharper" as the title, "This is the first slide", "...Wow, this is the second" and "NO WAY, a third?!"

Adding more stuff!

Of course only supporting titles and headers would make for very boring presentations, so let’s spicy everything up a bit by adding support for text and images inside of slides. Starting, of course, by modifying our domain:

type SlideContent =
    | Text of text: string
    | Image of url: string

type Slide = { Header: string; Content: SlideContent list }

This basically defines a new slide content which can be any text or a remote image. Let’s go over supporting this in our DSL now.

Unfortunately we didn’t make our slide DSL very easy to expand because the header property already returns a pre-made slide. Let’s fix this by following the same pattern we did to create the deck DSL and make each individual operation return a property that we’ll merge together later inside of the Run method.

type SlideProperty =
    | Header of header: string
    | Content of content: SlideContent

type SlideBuilder() =
    member inline _.Yield(()) = ()

    member inline x.Run(props: SlideProperty list) =
        |> List.fold
            (fun slide prop ->
                match prop with
                | SlideProperty.Header header -> { slide with Header = header }
                | SlideProperty.Content content -> { slide with Content = content :: slide.Content })
            { Header = ""; Content = [] }

    member inline _.Header((), header: string) = [ SlideProperty.Header header ]

    member inline _.Text(prev: SlideProperty list, text: string) =
        (Text text |> SlideProperty.Content) :: prev

    member inline _.Image(prev: SlideProperty list, url: string) =
        (Image url |> SlideProperty.Content) :: prev

Good news is this one is much easier than the deck builder because we don’t have to accept any external expressions, only custom operations, so we don’t need to implement Delay, Combine or For. We simply define two extra custom operations that take the previous declared properties and pre-pends the new content. Then, in the Run method, we fold the properties similarly to how we did it in the deck builder to create our domain slide type.

Supporting the new properties in the UI

Now to support this into the UI, we need to modify the slide component that we created earlier. Since the content of a slide is a list, let’s map each type of content into an Avalonia view and yield it back into the StackPanel’s children. For the text, it’s really easy:

let private slide (index: int) slide =
        fun _ ->
            StackPanel.create [
               StackPanel.children [
                   (* ... *)

                        |> (fun content ->
                            match content with
                            | Text text ->
                                TextBlock.create [
                                    TextBlock.fontSize 24
                                    TextBlock.text text
                                ] :> IView
                            | Image url ->
                                image url
    ) :> IView

For the image we’ll need a bit more ceremony. First, let’s steal one of the custom hooks defined in the Avalonia FuncUI’s examples to deal with async code a bit more easily. This will basically wrap an async block, execute it right after the component is created and expose the async deferred status. Next, we will define the actual function to fetch an image and transform it into a Bitmap that Avalonia can display and finally we’ll consume all this in a component that runs the initial hook and displays a loader when the async hook reports pending, an error when it fails and display the actual image when it finishes resolving:

type Deferred<'t> =
    | NotStartedYet
    | Pending
    | Resolved of 't
    | Failed of exn

type IComponentContext with

    member this.useAsync<'signal>(init: Async<'signal>) : IWritable<Deferred<'signal>> =
        let state = this.useState (Deferred.NotStartedYet, true)

        this.useEffect (
            handler = (fun _ ->
                match state.Current with
                | Deferred.NotStartedYet ->
                    state.Set Deferred.Pending

                    Async.StartImmediate (
                        async {
                            let! result = Async.Catch init

                            match result with
                            | Choice1Of2 value -> state.Set (Deferred.Resolved value)
                            | Choice2Of2 exn -> state.Set (Deferred.Failed exn)

                | _ ->
            triggers = [ EffectTrigger.AfterInit ]


let loadImage (url: string) =
    async {
        use httpClient = new HttpClient()
        let! bytes =
            |> httpClient.GetByteArrayAsync
            |> Async.AwaitTask

        use stream = new MemoryStream(bytes)
        return new Bitmap(stream)

let private image url =
    Component.create (
        fun ctx ->
            let image =
                loadImage url
                |> ctx.useAsync

            match image.Current with
            | Deferred.Resolved bitmap ->
                Image.create [
                    Image.source bitmap
                    Image.maxHeight 300
            | Deferred.Failed e ->
                TextBlock.create [
                    TextBlock.text $"{e.Message}"
                    TextBlock.foreground Brushes.Red
            | Deferred.Pending | Deferred.NotStartedYet ->
                ProgressBar.create [
                    ProgressBar.isEnabled true
                    ProgressBar.isIndeterminate true

And behold, our little presentation DSL is ready to be used! A video recording of the app showing the final app with text support and image loading"

Final words

Well, that was quite a ride! I definitely did not expect to have as much fun as I ended up having. There’s of course still tons of things that we could support: displaying code, GIF images, layout support… but we’ll leave all that for the future. For now, I hope this post will make you consider using CEs for your next DSL!

As I mentioned above, the entire code is in a separate repo, so if you want to check it out you can do so here:

SharpPoint repo